Stimulation Cable
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Stimulation Cable

Stimulation Cable



1 - 5$19.00
6 - 10$18.05
11 - 15$17.10
16 - 25$16.15

Have you ever wanted to learn about functional electrical stimulation using your favorite MP3 player? Now you can! Plug your Stimulation Cable into your music playing device, then hook it onto the electrodes placed in the cockroach leg. Play your favorite song, and watch the leg dance to the beat!

Product Details

Our Stimulation Cables allow you to feed current, like your digital music, into invertebrate legs. The current causes microstimulation of the muscle tissues, forcing the muscles in the cockroach leg to expand and contract. We find bass-heavy songs work the best, especially when compared to classical music.

Make sure your cockroach leg is on a stable wood platform (like on the SpikerBox), and the electrodes are placed firmly in the leg. Then, simply plug your Stimulation Cable into your MP3 player and hook the two leads onto the SpikerBox Electrode Pins. Hit the play button and electricity takes care of the rest. Why is this cable $19? Mini-clips are expensive.

Check out the stim cable in action below, courtesy of our friends at Harvard's MCB80x:

Technical Specs

  • 1x Male Audio Connector
  • 1x Stim Electrode (Red)
  • 1x Ground Electrode (Black)
  • Works with iPods, iPads, Computers, and anything with a headphone jack